Department Geographie und Geowissenschaften


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Stacking faults of the hydrous carbonate-containing brucite (HCB) phase in hydrated magnesium carbonate cements (2024) Jansen D, German A, Ectors D, Winnefeld F Journal article Age-depth model for uppermost Ndutu Beds constrains Middle Stone Age technology and climate-induced paleoenvironmental changes at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) (2024) Smedley RK, Fenn K, Stanistreet IG, Stollhofen H, Njau JK, Schick K, Toth N Journal article A Python tool to determine the thickness of the hydrate layer around clinker grains using SEM-BSE images (2024) Kleiner F, Becker F, Rößler C, Ludwig HM Journal article Drought, temperature, and moisture availability: understanding the drivers of isotopic decoupling in native pine species of the Nepalese Himalaya (2024) Aryal S, Grießinger J, Gaire NP, Bhattarai T, Bräuning A Journal article Seasonal climate variations during Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 2 inferred from high-resolution oxygen isotope ratios in horse tooth enamel from Lower Austria (2024) Reiss L, Mayr C, Pasda K, Joachimski M, Einwögerer T, Händel M, Maier A Journal article The formation of a giant post-collision porphyry copper system: A case study of the Jiama deposit, Tibet (2024) Sun M, Tang JX, Klemd R, Lin B, Tang P, Zhang Zb, Chen W, et al. Journal article Rise and diversification of chondrichthyans in the Paleozoic (2024) Schnetz L, Dunne E, Feichtinger I, Butler RJ, Coates MI, Sansom IJ Journal article Editorial: Greenhouse gas emissions from terrestrial freshwater ecosystems: spatial and temporal hot spots (2024) Piatka DR, Barth J, Kiese R Journal article Linking leaf elemental traits to biomass across forest biomes in the Himalayas (2024) Dyola N, Liang E, Peñuelas J, Camarero JJ, Sigdel SR, Aryal S, Lin W, et al. Journal article Metabolic activity of Planktothrix rubescens and its consequences on oxygen dynamics in laboratory experiment: A stable isotope study (2024) Dordoni M, Tittel J, Rosenlöcher Y, Rinke K, Barth J Journal article