Professur für Tektonik


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Neoproterozoic geodynamics in NW India–evidence from Erinpura granites in the South Delhi Fold Belt (2021) de Wall H, Regelous A, Schulz B, Hahn G, Bestmann M, Sharma KK Journal article Paleogene initiation of the Western Branch of the East African Rift: The uplift history of the Rwenzori Mountains, Western Uganda (2020) Jess S, Köhn D, Fox M, Enkelmann E, Sachau T, Aanyu K Journal article Using Thermal Springs to Quantify Deep Groundwater Flow and Its Thermal Footprint in the Alps and a Comparison With North American Orogens (2020) Luijendijk E, Winter T, Köhler S, Ferguson G, von Hagke C, Scibek J Journal article Tellurium in Late Permian-Early Triassic Sediments as a Proxy for Siberian Flood Basalt Volcanism (2020) Regelous M, Regelous A, Grasby SE, Bond DP, Haase K, Gleißner S, Wignall PB Journal article The cono-dos and cono-dont's of phosphatic microfossil preparation and microanalysis (2020) Shirley B, Bestmann M, Jarochowska E Journal article Record of intermediate-depth subduction seismicity in a dry slab from an exhumed ophiolite (2020) Pennacchioni G, Scambelluri M, Bestmann M, Notini L, Nimis P, Plümper O, Faccenda M, Nestola F Journal article Sediment deformation and production beneath soft-bedded Palaeozoic ice sheets (2020) Le Heron DP, Heninger M, Baal C, Bestmann M Journal article Regional-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe-Umbria-Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite-vein networks (2020) Beaudoin NE, Labeur A, Lacombe O, Köhn D, Billi A, Hoareau G, Boyce A, et al. Journal article Vertical stress history and paleoburial in foreland basins unravelled by stylolite roughness paleopiezometry: Insights from bedding-parallel stylolites in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. (2020) Beaudoin N, Lacombe O, Köhn D, David ME, Farrell N, Healy D Journal article Fracturing and Porosity Channeling in Fluid Overpressure Zones in the Shallow Earth's Crust (2020) Köhn D, Piazolo S, Sachau T, Toussaint R Journal article