Lehrstuhl für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Obesity is linked to disease severity in moderate to severe atopic dermatitis—Data from the prospective observational TREATgermany registry (2024) Traidl S, Hollstein MM, Kroeger N, Fischer S, Heratizadeh A, Heinrich L, Kind B, et al. Journal article European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of actinic keratoses, epithelial UV-induced dysplasia and field cancerization on behalf of European Association of Dermato-Oncology, European Dermatology Forum, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) (2024) Kandolf L, Peris K, Malvehy J, Mosterd K, Heppt M, Fargnoli MC, Berking C, et al. Journal article Anti-PD-(L)1 plus BRAF/MEK inhibitors (triplet therapy) after failure of immune checkpoint inhibition and targeted therapy in patients with advanced melanoma. (2024) Albrecht LJ, Dimitriou F, Grover P, Hassel JC, Erdmann M, Forschner A, Johnson DB, et al. Journal article Microglial expression of CD83 governs cellular activation and restrains neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (2023) Sinner P, Peckert-Maier K, Mohammadian H, Kuhnt C, Draßner C, Panagiotakopoulou V, Rauber S, et al. Journal article Morphology as indicator of adaptive changes of model tissues in osmotically and chemically changing environments (2023) Höllring K, Vurnek D, Gehrer S, Dudziak D, Hubert M, Smith AS Journal article BCL2 Inhibition Reveals a Dendritic Cell-Specific Immune Checkpoint That Controls Tumor Immunosurveillance (2023) Zhao L, Liu P, Mao M, Zhang S, Bigenwald C, Dutertre CA, Lehmann C, et al. Journal article S3 guideline „actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma“ – update 2023, part 2: epidemiology and etiology, diagnostics, surgical and systemic treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), surveillance and prevention (2023) Leiter U, Heppt M, Steeb T, Alter M, Amaral T, Bauer A, Bechara FG, et al. Journal article S3 guideline "actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma"- update 2023, part 1: treatment of actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen's disease), occupational disease and structures of care (2023) Heppt M, Leiter U, Steeb T, Alter M, Amaral T, Bauer A, Bechara FG, et al. Journal article S3-Leitlinie “Aktinische Keratose und Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut“ – Update 2023, Teil 1: Therapie der aktinischen Keratose, Morbus Bowen, Cheilitis actinica, berufsbedingte Erkrankung und Versorgungsstrukturen (2023) Heppt M, Leiter U, Steeb T, Alter M, Amaral T, Bauer A, Bechara FG, et al. Journal article Threshold Optimization for Tumor Markers S100b and MIA in Uveal Melanoma - A Single Center Analysis (2023) Glaser N, Petzold A, Wessely A, Kaufmann M, Koch E, Knorr H, Voskens C, et al. Journal article