Lehrstuhl für Mikroskopische Anatomie und Molekulare Zellbiologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Podocytes Produce and Secrete Functional Complement C3 and Complement Factor H (2020) Mühlig AK, Keir LS, Abt JC, Heidelbach HS, Horton R, Welsh GI, Meyer-Schwesinger C, et al. Journal article A novel natural GRAS-grade enteric coating for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products (2020) Khoder M, Schropp V, Zeitler S, Pereira B, Habashy R, Royall PG, Wang JTW, Alhnan MA Journal article In-vivo B-cell activity predicts response to treatment with glatiramer acetate and interferons in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) (2020) Braune S, Tacke S, Ziemssen T, Lehmann P, Bergmann A, Kürten S Conference contribution Strategies for neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis and the role of calcium (2020) Enders M, Heider T, Ludwig A, Kürten S Journal article, Review article IL-21 in Conjunction with Anti-CD40 and IL-4 Constitutes a Potent Polyclonal B Cell Stimulator for Monitoring Antigen-Specific Memory B Cells (2020) Franke F, Kirchenbaum GA, Kürten S, Lehmann PV Journal article Recombinant human gelsolin promotes the migration of human articular cartilage chondrocytes by regulating gene expression in vitro. (2020) Feldt J, Welss J, Schropp V, Gelse K, Tsokos M, Paulsen F Journal article Multimodal control of neck muscles for vestibular mediated head oscillation damping during walking: a pilot study (2020) Hölzl M, Neuhuber W, Ueberschär O, Schleichardt A, Stamm N, Arens C, Biesdorf A, et al. Journal article Bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors in the leptomeninges of adult mice (2020) Koeniger T, Bell L, Mifka A, Enders M, Hautnnann V, Mekala SR, Kirchner P, et al. Journal article Mosaic trisomy of chromosome 1q in human brain tissue associates with unilateral polymicrogyria, very early-onset focal epilepsy, and severe developmental delay (2020) Kobow K, Jabari S, Pieper T, Kudernatsch M, Polster T, Woermann FG, Kalbhenn T, et al. Journal article Sympathetic innervation of inguinal white adipose tissue in the mouse (2020) Huesing C, Qualls-Creekmore E, Lee N, François M, Torres H, Zhang R, Burk DH, et al. Journal article