Lehrstuhl für Sportwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Bewegung und Gesundheit


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Germany’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents (2024) Demetriou Y, Beck F, Sturm DJ, Abu-Omar K, Forberger S, Hebestreit A, Hohmann A, et al. Journal article, Review article A life span perspective on competencies for a healthy, physically active lifestyle: Findings of a data pooling initiative with over 7000 individuals (2024) Carl J, Blaschke S, Sudeck G, Schmid J, Eckert K, Geidl W, Jaunig J, et al. Journal article Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy (2023) Carl J, Bryant A, Edwards L, Bartle G, Birch J, Christodoulides E, Emeljanovas A, et al. Journal article Association between myofascial trigger point therapy and conditioned pain modulation (2023) Szikszay TM, Adamczyk WM, Carvalho GF, Dolotov D, Erdmann R, Heitkamp H, Jung A, et al. Journal article Ergebnisse der 4. Fachtagung Bewegungstherapie 2023. Digital - Was und wie viel? (2023) Streber R, Bestmann A, Brüggemann S, Göhner W, Heimsoth J, Kinkel S, Peters S, et al. Conference contribution Population-based physical activity promotion with a focus on health equity: a review of reviews (2023) Kohler S, Dippon L, Helsper N, Rütten A, Abu-Omar K, Birkholz L, Pfeifer K, et al. Journal article, Review article Assessing reliability and validity of different stiffness measurement tools on a multi-layered phantom tissue model (2023) Bartsch K, Brandl A, Weber P, Wilke J, Bensamoun SF, Bauermeister W, Klingler W, Schleip R Journal article Striking a Balance: Physical Activity and Planetary Health (2023) Siefken K, Abu-Omar K Journal article A systematic review and narrative synthesis of physical activity referral schemes’ components (2023) Mino E, Hanson CL, Naber I, Weißenfels A, Mchale S, Saftig J, Klamroth S, et al. Journal article, Review article Research- vs. government-driven physical activity policy monitoring: a systematic review across different levels of government (2023) Messing S, Tcymbal A, Abu-Omar K, Gelius P Journal article, Review article