Professur für Ethik in der Medizin


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Advance Directives as Support of Autonomy for Persons with Dementia? A Pilot Study among Persons with Dementia and Their Informal Caregivers (2017) Schmidhuber M, Häupler S, Marinova-Schmidt V, Frewer A, Kolominsky-Rabas P Journal article Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue. Normative Profile, Conflicts and Implementation (2017) Klotz S, Bielefeldt H, Schmidhuber M, Frewer A Edited Volume Autonomie und Menschenrechte am Lebensende - Grundlagen, Erfahrungen, Reflexionen aus der Praxis (2016) Bielefeldt H, Frewer A, Welsh C, Ostgathe C Edited Volume Das Menschenrecht auf Gesundheit - Normative Grundlagen und aktuelle Diskurse (2016) Bielefeldt H, Frewer A Edited Volume Life extension eternal debates on immortality (2015) Dickel S, Frewer A Authored book Access to healthcare for undocumented migrants with communicable diseases in Germany: a quantitative study (2015) Mylius M, Frewer A Journal article Remember, Avert, Prevent: Franz Ludwig Berthold Kihn - A Typology of "Euthanasia" (2015) Braun B, Frewer A, Kornhuber J Journal article Testing ground GDR: Western pharmaceutical firms conducting clinical trials behind the Iron Curtain (2015) Erices R, Frewer A, Gumz A Journal article The DSM 5 and the Istanbul Protocol: Diagnosis of psychological sequels of torture (2015) Wenzel T, Frewer A, Mirzaei S Journal article Werner Leibbrand, Annemarie Wettley and controversies on "euthanasia" the background of medico-historical and ethical debates in the Post World War II era (2014) Wiesinger C, Frewer A Journal article
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