Lehrstuhl für Anästhesiologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A high risk of sleep apnea is associated with less postoperative cognitive dysfunction after intravenous anesthesia: results of an observational pilot study (2018) Wagner S, Quente J, Städtler S, Koch K, Richter-Schmidinger T, Kornhuber J, Ihmsen H, Schüttler J Journal article Pain relief in a neuropathy patient by lacosamide: Proof of principle of clinical translation from patient-specific iPS cell-derived nociceptors (2018) Namer B, Schmidt D, Eberhardt E, Maroni M, Dorfmeister E, Kleggetveit IP, Kaluza L, et al. Journal article MIRACUM: Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine (2018) Prokosch HU, Acker T, Bernarding J, Binder H, Boeker M, Boerries M, Daumke P, et al. Journal article Influence of Cardiac Output on the Pharmacokinetics of Sufentanil in Anesthetized Pigs (2018) Birkholz T, Leuthold C, Schmidt J, Ihmsen H, Schüttler J, Jeleazcov C Journal article Towards Implementation of OMOP in a German University Hospital Consortium (2018) Maier C, Lang L, Storf H, Vormstein P, Bieber R, Bernarding J, Herrmann T, et al. Journal article Surface Features of Recombinant Spider Silk Protein eADF4(kappa 16)-Made Materials are Well-Suited for Cardiac Tissue Engineering (2017) Petzold J, Aigner TB, Touska F, Zimmermann K, Scheibel T, Engel F Journal article Cold Temperature Encoding by Cutaneous TRPA1 and TRPM8-Carrying Fibers in the Mouse (2017) Winter Z, Gruschwitz P, Eger S, Touska F, Zimmermann K Journal article Oxytocin Modulates Nociception as an Agonist of Pain-Sensing TRPV1 (2017) Nersesyan Y, Demirkhanyan L, Cabezas-Bratesco D, Oakes V, Kusuda R, Dawson T, Sun X, et al. Journal article Ciguatoxins Evoke Potent CGRP Release by Activation of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Subtypes Na(V)1.9, Na(V)1.7 and Na(V)1.1 (2017) Touska F, Sattler S, Malsch P, Lewis RJ, Reeh P, Zimmermann K Journal article Requirements analysis for a clinical decision support system aiming at improving the artificial nutrition of critically ill patients (2017) Schüttler C, Hinderer M, Kraus S, Lang AK, Prokosch HU, Castellanos I Conference contribution