Institut für Psychogerontologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Personal Ideals of Aging and Longevity: The Role of Subjective Discordances (2020) Rupprecht F, Lang F Journal article Negative self-perception of aging and mortality in very old chinese adults: The mediation role of healthy lifestyle (2020) Zhang X, Kamin S, Liu S, Fung HH, Lang F Journal article Internet Use and Cognitive Functioning in Late Adulthood: Longitudinal Findings from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) (2020) Kamin S, Lang F Journal article Der Familienrat als Instrument für nachhaltige Lösungen zum selbstbestimmten Wohnen für Personen mit Unterstützungsbedarf - Potentiale und Grenzen (2020) Damm F, Beyer A, Töpler S, Lang F Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Problematische Antihistaminika: Warnhinweise und Zulassungseinschränkungen sollen Kinder schützen (2020) Moritz K, Rascher W, Neubert A Journal article, Original article Digitalisierung und soziale Beziehungen älterer Menschen (2020) Kamin S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Participation in activities mediates the effect of Internet use on cognitive functioning in old age (2020) Kamin S, Seifert A, Lang F Journal article Dementia Worry and the Perception of Personal Risk: A Longitudinal Study (2020) Martin K, Lang F, Rupprecht R, Nömer J Journal article Perceived personal deadlines for late-life preparation across adulthood (2020) Lang F, Rupprecht F Journal article Technology Adaptivity Mediates the Effect of Technology Biography on Internet Use Variability (2020) Seifert A, Kamin S, Lang F Journal article