Professur für Hämatologie/Onkologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Tumorimmunologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The IKZF1–IRF4/IRF5 axis controls polarization of myeloma-associated macrophages (2021) Mougiakakos D, Bach C, Böttcher M, Beier F, Röhner L, Stoll A, Rehli M, et al. Journal article Multi-omics reveals clinically relevant proliferative drive associated with mTOR-MYC-OXPHOS activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2021) Lu J, Cannizzaro E, Meier-Abt F, Scheinost S, Bruch PM, Giles HAR, Lutge A, et al. Journal article CD137 (4-1BB) stimulation leads to metabolic and functional reprogramming of human monocytes/macrophages enhancing their tumoricidal activity (2021) Stoll A, Bruns H, Fuchs M, Nimmerjahn F, Kunz M, Peipp M, Mackensen A, et al. Journal article Control of PD-L1 expression in CLL-cells by stromal triggering of the Notch-c-Myc-EZH2 oncogenic signaling axis (2021) Böttcher M, Bruns H, Völkl S, Lu J, Chartomatsidou E, Papakonstantinou N, Mentz K, et al. Journal article The complement system drives local inflammatory tissue priming by metabolic reprogramming of synovial fibroblasts (2021) Friščić J, Böttcher M, Reinwald C, Bruns H, Wirth B, Popp S, Walker KI, et al. Journal article, Original article Hydrogen-peroxide synthesis and LDL-uptake controls immunosuppressive properties in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (2021) Menzner AK, Rottmar T, Bosch JJ, Mougiakakos D, Mackensen A, Resheq Y, Völkl S Journal article Noncanonical effector functions of the T-memory-like T-PLL cell are shaped by cooperative TCL1A and TCR signaling (2020) Oberbeck S, Schrader A, Warner K, Jungherz D, Crispatzu G, Von Jan J, Chmielewski M, et al. Journal article Metabolic reprogramming of osteoclasts represents a therapeutic target during the treatment of osteoporosis (2020) Taubmann J, Krishnacoumar B, Böhm C, Faas M, Müller D, Adam S, Stoll C, et al. Journal article PPARδ-mediated mitochondrial rewiring of osteoblasts determines bone mass (2020) Müller D, Stoll C, Palumbo-Zerr K, Böhm C, Krishnacoumar B, Ipseiz N, Taubmann J, et al. Journal article Linking Immunoevasion and Metabolic Reprogramming in B-Cell–Derived Lymphomas (2020) Böttcher M, Stoll A, Mackensen A, Mougiakakos D, Baur R Journal article, Review article