Physical Review Research

ISSN: 2643-1564
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (82)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Field-induced charge symmetry revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance in the topological insulator Bi2Te3 (2021) Guehne R, Haase J, Shekhar C, Felser C Journal article Fundamental bounds on qubit reset (2021) Basilewitsch D, Fischer J, Reich DM, Sugny D, Koch CP Journal article Real-time estimation of the optically detected magnetic resonance shift in diamond quantum thermometry toward biological applications (2020) Fujiwara M, Dohms A, Suto K, Nishimura Y, Oshimi K, Teki Y, Cai K, et al. Journal article Kerker effect, superscattering, and scattering dark states in atomic antennas (2020) Alaee R, Safari A, Sandoghdar V, Boyd RW Journal article Anomalous Lifshitz dimension in hierarchical networks of brain connectivity (2020) Esfandiary S, Safari A, Renner J, Moretti P, Muñoz MÁ Journal article Thermal origin of light emission in nonresonant and resonant nanojunctions (2020) Ott C, Götzinger S, Weber HB Journal article, Letter Oscillating bound states for a giant atom (2020) Guo L, Kockum AF, Marquardt F, Johansson G Journal article Binary homodyne detection for observing quadrature squeezing in satellite links (2020) Müller C, Seshadreesan KP, Peuntinger C, Marquardt C Journal article Real-space cluster dynamical mean-field theory: Center-focused extrapolation on the one- and two particle-levels (2020) Klett M, Wentzell N, Schafer T, Simkovic F, Parcollet O, Andergassen S, Hansmann P Journal article Theory of current-induced angular momentum transfer dynamics in spin-orbit coupled systems (2020) Go D, Freimuth F, Hanke JP, Xue F, Gomonay O, Lee KJ, Bluegel S, et al. Journal article