Physical Review Research

ISSN: 2643-1564
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (98)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



ViPErLEED package II: Spot tracking, extraction, and processing of I(V) curves (2025) Schmid M, Kraushofer F, Imre AM, Kißlinger T, Hammer L, Diebold U, Riva M Journal article ViPErLEED package I: Calculation of I(V) curves and structural optimization (2025) Kraushofer F, Imre AM, Franceschi G, Kißlinger T, Rheinfrank E, Schmid M, Diebold U, et al. Journal article Transport in cellular aggregates described by fluctuating hydrodynamics (2024) Chakraborti S, Zaburdaev V Journal article Central charge in quantum optics (2024) Burgarth D, Facchi P, Nakazato H, Pascazio S, Yuasa K Journal article Strong error bounds for Trotter and strang-splittings and their implications for quantum chemistry (2024) Burgarth D, Facchi P, Hahn A, Johnsson M, Yuasa K Journal article Order-by-disorder in the antiferromagnetic J1-J2-J3 transverse-field Ising model on the ruby lattice (2024) Duft A, Koziol J, Adelhardt P, Mühlhauser M, Schmidt KP Journal article Error-tolerant quantum convolutional neural networks for symmetry-protected topological phases (2024) Zapletal P, McMahon N, Hartmann M Journal article Cooperative effects in dense cold atomic gases including magnetic dipole interactions (2024) Baßler N, Varma I, Proske M, Windpassinger P, Schmidt KP, Genes C Journal article L -gap surface resonance at Pt(111): Influence of atomic structure, d bands, and spin-orbit interaction (2024) Schöttke F, Krüger P, Hammer L, Kißlinger T, Schneider MA, Donath M Journal article Symmetry-induced higher-order exceptional points in two dimensions (2024) Montag A, Kunst FK Journal article