Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology
ISSN: 2378-8038
Publisher: Wiley
Publications (5)
3D reconstruction of vocal fold dynamics with laser high-speed videoendoscopy in children (2024)
Patel RR, Döllinger M, Semmler M
Journal article
The olfactory diary: Tracking awareness and consciousness of the sense of smell throughout the day (2024)
Liu DT, Besser G, Moser V, Prem B, Sharma G, Ehrgott M, Renner B, Mueller CA
Journal article
Proposal for standardized ultrasound analysis of the salivary glands: Part 1 submandibular gland (2024)
Hoffman HT, Koch M, Witt RL, Ryan WR, Zenk J, Katz P, Rahmati R, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Computational fluid dynamics of upper airway aerodynamics for exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction: A feasibility study (2023)
Döllinger M, Jakubaß B, Cheng H, Carter SJ, Kniesburges S, Aidoo B, Lee CH, et al.
Journal article
Endoscopic management of lateral sphenoid cerebrospinal fluid leaks: Identifying a radiographic parameter for surgical planning (2020)
Müller SK, Maxfield AZ, Mueller SK, Raquib AR, Sedaghat AR, Bergmark RW, Metson RB, et al.
Journal article