IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
ISSN: 2379-8858
eISSN: 2379-8858
Publisher: IEEE
Publications (4)
Expanding the Classical V-Model for the Development of Complex Systems Incorporating AI (2024)
Ullrich L, Buchholz M, Dietmayer K, Graichen K
Journal article
Cross-Modal Supervision-Based Multitask Learning with Automotive Radar Raw Data (2023)
Jin Y, Deligiannis A, Fuentes-Michel JC, Vossiek M
Journal article
Semantic Segmentation-Based Occupancy Grid Map Learning With Automotive Radar Raw Data (2023)
Jin Y, Hoffmann M, Deligiannis A, Fuentes-Michel JC, Vossiek M
Journal article
Robust Camera Pose Estimation for Unordered Road Scene Images in Varying Viewing Conditions (2019)
Venator M, Bruns E, Maier A
Journal article