Communications Biology

ISSN: 2399-3642
Publisher: Nature Research

Publications (30)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Synchronous force and Ca2+ measurements for repeated characterization of excitation-contraction coupling in human myocardium (2024) Sun Z, Lu K, Kamla C, Kameritsch P, Seidel T, Dendorfer A Journal article Zyxin is important for the stability and function of podocytes, especially during mechanical stretch (2024) Kliewe F, Siegerist F, Hammer E, Al-Hasani J, Amling TRJ, Hollemann JZE, Schindler M, et al. Journal article Oligoclonal CD4+CXCR5+ T cells with a cytotoxic phenotype appear in tonsils and blood (2024) Liang C, Spörl S, Xiao Y, Habenicht KM, Haeusl SS, Sandner I, Winkler J, et al. Journal article Biophysical cartography of the native and human-engineered antibody landscapes quantifies the plasticity of antibody developability (2024) Bashour H, Smorodina E, Pariset M, Zhong J, Akbar R, Chernigovskaya M, Lê Quý K, et al. Journal article Facilitating integrative and personalized oncology omics analysis with UCSCXenaShiny (2024) Li S, Peng Y, Chen M, Zhao Y, Xiong Y, Li J, Luo P, et al. Journal article Influence of AAV vector tropism on long-term expression and Fc-γ receptor binding of an antibody targeting SARS-CoV-2 (2024) Wagner J, Müller-Schmucker S, Wang W, Arnold P, Uhlig N, Issmail L, Eberlein V, et al. Journal article Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) dysregulates neurodevelopmental pathways in cerebral organoids (2024) Egilmezer E, Hamilton ST, Foster CS, Marschall M, Rawlinson WD Journal article Unraveling the hidden temporal range of fast β2-adrenergic receptor mobility by time-resolved fluorescence (2022) Balakrishnan A, Hemmen K, Choudhury S, Krohn JH, Jansen K, Friedrich M, Beliu G, et al. Journal article A genome-wide association study with tissue transcriptomics identifies genetic drivers for classic bladder exstrophy (2022) Mingardo E, Beaman G, Grote P, Nordenskjöld A, Newman W, Woolf AS, Eckstein M, et al. Journal article Tracking matricellular protein SPARC in extracellular vesicles as a non-destructive method to evaluate lipid-based antifibrotic treatments (2022) Zivko C, Fuhrmann K, Fuhrmann G, Luciani P Journal article
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