Physical Review Materials

ISSN: 2475-9953
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (65)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Reversible adiabatic temperature change in the shape memory Heusler alloy Ni2.2Mn0.8Ga: An effect of structural compatibility (2018) Devi P, Zavareh MG, Mejia CS, Hofmann K, Albert BR, Felser C, Nicklas M, Singh S Journal article Simple method for optimization of classical electron magnetic circular dichroism measurements: The role of structure factor and extinction distances (2018) Schneider S, Negi D, Stolt MJ, Jin S, Spiegelberg J, Pohl D, Rellinghaus B, et al. Journal article Surface rippling of silica glass surfaces scraped by a diamond indenter (2018) Gnecco E, Hennig J, Moayedi E, Wondraczek L Journal article {110} planar faults in strained bcc metals: Origins and implications of a commonly observed artifact of classical potentials (2018) Möller J, Mrovec M, Bleskov I, Neugebauer J, Hammerschmidt T, Drautz R, Elsaesser C, et al. Journal article, Original article Scratch hardness of glass (2018) Sawamura S, Wondraczek L Journal article Tunable magnetic properties in tetragonal Mn-Fe-Ga Heusler films with perpendicular anisotropy for spintronics applications (2018) Kalache A, Selle S, Schnelle W, Fecher GH, Hoeche T, Felser C, Markou A Journal article SISSO: A compressed-sensing method for identifying the best low-dimensional descriptor in an immensity of offered candidates (2018) Ouyang R, Curtarolo S, Ahmetcik E, Scheffler M, Ghiringhelli LM Journal article Molecular tuning of the magnetic response in organic semiconductors (2018) Mcnellis ER, Schott S, Sirringhaus H, Sinova J Journal article Noncollinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Sn films (2018) Markou A, Taylor JM, Kalache A, Werner P, Parkin SSP, Felser C Journal article Nitrogen-hydrogen-oxygen ternary phase diagram: New phases at high pressure from structural prediction (2018) Shi J, Cui W, Botti S, Marques MAL Journal article