ISSN: 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
Publications (659)
Empathy moderates the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on costly punishment (2012)
Brüne M, Scheele D, Heinisch C, Tas C, Wischniewski J, Güntürkün O
Journal article, Original article
NEDD9 stabilizes focal adhesions, increases binding to the extra-cellular matrix and differentially effects 2D versus 3D cell migration (2012)
Zhong J, Baquiran JB, Bonakdar N, Lees J, Ching YW, Pugacheva E, Fabry B, O'Neill GM
Journal article
NEDD9 stabilizes focal adhesions, increases binding to the extra-cellular matrix and differentially effects 2D versus 3D cell migration (2012)
Zhong J, Baquiran JB, Bonakdar N, Lees J, Ching YW, Pugacheva E, Fabry B, O'Neill GM
Journal article
3D Traction Forces in Cancer Cell Invasion (2012)
Koch T, Münster S, Bonakdar N, Butler JP, Fabry B
Journal article
A novel multiplex cell viability assay for high-throughput RNAi screening. (2011)
Gilbert D, Erdmann G, Zhang X, Fritzsche A, Demir K, Jaedicke A, Muehlenberg K, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Inhaled nitric oxide reduces endothelial activation and parasite accumulation in the brain, and enhances survival in experimental cerebral malaria (2011)
Serghides L, Kim H, Lu Z, Kain DC, Miller C, Francis RC, Liles WC, et al.
Journal article
Methionine sulfoxide reductases are essential for virulence of Salmonella typhimurium (2011)
Denkel LA, Horst SA, Rouf SF, Kitowski V, Böhm OM, Rhen M, Jäger T, Bange FC
Journal article
Acute drug treatment in the early C. elegans embryo (2011)
Carvalho A, Olson SK, Gutierrez E, Zhang K, Noble LB, Zanin E, Desai A, et al.
Journal article
The use of phonetic motor invariants can improve automatic phoneme discrimination (2011)
Castellini C, Badino L, Metta G, Sandini G, Tavella M, Grimaldi M, Fadiga L
Journal article
Quinpramine ameliorates rat experimental autoimmune neuritis and redistributes MHC class II molecules (2011)
Meyer zu Hörste G, Mausberg AK, Müller JI, Lehmann HC, Löber S, Gmeiner P, Hartung HP, et al.
Journal article, Original article