ISSN: 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
Publications (660)
Sculpting the Glauberg “prince”. A traceological research of the Celtic sculpture and related fragments from the Glauberg (Hesse, Germany) (2022)
Trefný M, Mischka D, Cihla M, Posluschny AG, Václavík FR, Ney W, Mischka C
Journal article
Iodine images in dual energy CT: A monocentric study benchmarking quantitative iodine concentration values of the healthy liver (2022)
Beck S, Jahn L, Deniffel D, Riederer I, Sauter A, Makowski MR, Pfeiffer D
Journal article
Tracked 3D ultrasound and deep neural network-based thyroid segmentation reduce interobserver variability in thyroid volumetry (2022)
Kroenke M, Eilers C, Dimova D, Koehler M, Buschner G, Schweiger L, Konstantinidou L, et al.
Journal article
Expression of toll like receptor 8 (TLR8) in specific groups of mouse hippocampal interneurons (2022)
Seizer L, Rahimi S, Santos-Sierra S, Drexel M
Journal article
Flow-compensated diffusion encoding in MRI for improved liver metastasis detection (2022)
Laun FB, Führes T, Seuß H, Müller A, Bickelhaupt S, Stemmer A, Benkert T, et al.
Journal article
The COVID-19 Vaccine: Trust, doubt, and hope for a future beyond the pandemic in Germany (2022)
Fiske A, Schoenweitz F, Eichinger J, Zimmermann B, Hangel N, Sierawska A, Mclennan S, Buyx A
Journal article
Socioeconomic position and self-rated health among female and male adolescents: The role of familial determinants in explaining health inequalities. Results of the German KiGGS study (2022)
Rattay P, Blume M, Wachtler B, Wollgast L, Spallek J, Hoffmann S, Sander L, et al.
Journal article
Imaging the influence of peripheral TRPV1-signaling on cerebral nociceptive processing applying fMRI-based graph theory in a resiniferatoxin rat model (2022)
Wank I, Kutsche L, Kreitz S, Reeh P, Heß A
Journal article
Kaizer Hill (Modi'in), a pre-pottery neolithic a quarry site - the terraced slopes (2022)
Goren-Inbar N, Belfer-Cohen A, Grosman L, Herzlinger G, Agam A
Journal article
Impulse dispersion of aerosols during playing wind instruments (2022)
Gantner S, Echternach M, Veltrup R, Westphalen C, Köberlein MC, Kuranova L, Peters G, et al.
Journal article