Journal of Optics B Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
Journal Abbreviation: J OPT B-QUANTUM S O
ISSN: 1464-4266
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Publications (3)
All-fibre source of amplitude squeezed lightpulses (2004)
Meißner M, Marquardt C, Heersink J, Gaber T, Wietfeld A, Leuchs G, Andersen UL
Journal article
A pulsed source of continuous variable polarization entanglement (2003)
Leuchs G
Journal article
Detailed study of a high-finesse planar waveguide for evanescent wave atomic mirrors (1996)
Labeyrie G, Landragin A, von Zanthier J, Kaiser R, Vansteenkiste N, Westbrook C, Aspect A
Journal article, Original article