Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland : inSiDE
Publisher: GAUSS Centre for Supercomputing
Publications (6)
Simulation of optical Waves in thin-film Solar Cells (2010)
Pflaum C, Jandl CA, Hertel K, Rahimi Z
Journal article, Original article
Large Scale Simulations of Realistic Flow Problems (2009)
Iglberger K, Götz J, Donath S, Feichtinger C, Rüde U
Journal article
Selecting an Appropriate Computational Platform for Supporting the Development of New Catalyst Carriers (2009)
Zeiser T, Hager G, Wellein G, Inayat A, Schwieger W, Heidig T, Freund H
Journal article, Original article
Massively Parallel Multilevel Finite Element Solvers on the Altix 4700 (2007)
Gradl T, Rüde U
Journal article
Taming the Bandwidth Behemoth. First Experiences on a Large SGI Altix System (2005)
Hager G, Bergen B, Lammers P, Wellein G
Journal article
Is there still a need for tailored HPC systems or can we go with commodity off-the-shelf clusters - Some comments based on performance measurements using a lattice Boltzmann flow solver (2004)
Zeiser T, Wellein G, Lammers P
Journal article, Original article