Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology
Journal Abbreviation: PROG MOL BIOL TRANSL
ISSN: 1877-1173
Publisher: Academic Press
Publications (4)
Continuous monitoring of molecular biomarkers in microfluidic devices (2022)
Idili A, Monton H, Medina-Sanchez M, Ibarlucea B, Cuniberti G, Schmidt OG, Plaxco KW, Parolo C
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Neurosurgical Treatment of Acromegaly (2016)
Buchfelder M, Feulner J
Journal article
Intraocular Pressure and the Mechanisms Involved in Resistance of the Aqueous Humor Flow in the Trabecular Meshwork Outflow Pathways (2015)
Tamm ER, Braunger BM, Fuchshofer R
Conference contribution
Markov modeling of ion channels: implications for understanding disease (2014)
Lampert A, Korngreen A
Journal article