Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

Journal Abbreviation: MATH MECH SOLIDS
ISSN: 1081-2865
Publisher: SAGE Publications (UK and US)

Publications (20)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Identifying composition-mechanics relations in human brain tissue based on neural-network-enhanced inverse parameter identification (2024) Hinrichsen J, Feiler L, Reiter N, Bräuer L, Schicht M, Paulsen F, Budday S Journal article Investigation of the influence of nano-sized particles on the entanglement distribution of a generic polymer nanocomposite using molecular dynamics (2023) Seibert J, Pfaller S, Ries M Journal article Characterization of the material behavior and identification of effective elastic moduli based on molecular dynamics simulations of coarse-grained silica (2023) Ries M, Bauer C, Weber F, Steinmann P, Pfaller S Journal article, Online publication Thermoelasticity with temperature and microtemperatures with fading memory (2023) Liverani L Journal article, Original article Characterization of the material behavior and identification of effective elastic moduli based on molecular dynamics simulations of coarse-grained silica (2022) Ries M, Bauer C, Weber F, Steinmann P, Pfaller S Journal article Finite element formulations for constrained spatial nonlinear beam theories (2021) Harsch J, Capobianco G, Eugster SR Journal article, Original article Geometric description of time-dependent finite-dimensional mechanical systems (2020) Eugster SR, Capobianco G, Winandy T Journal article, Original article A thermoelastoplastic theory for special Cosserat rods (2019) Smriti , Kumar A, Großmann A, Steinmann P Journal article Systematic study of homogenization and the utility of circular simplified representative volume element (2019) Firooz S, Saeb S, Chatzigeorgiou G, Meraghni F, Steinmann P, Javili A Journal article Numerical modelling of nonlinear thermo-electro-elasticity (2017) Mehnert M, Pelteret JP, Steinmann P Journal article