Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion
Journal Abbreviation: J PHASE EQUILIB DIFF
ISSN: 1547-7037
Publisher: ASM International
Publications (3)
Interdiffusion Coefficients and Strengthening Effects of Nb, Ta, and Zr in the α2-Ti3Al Phase (2024)
Haußmann L, Bresler J, Neumeier S, Pyczak F, Göken M
Journal article
Diffusion of germanium in binary and multicomponent nickel alloys (2011)
Rettig R, Steuer S, Singer R
Journal article, Original article
Phase Equilibria and Crystal Chemistry in the System CaO-Al_2_O_3_-Y_2_O_3_ (2010)
Richter A, Göbbels M
Journal article