Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Journal Abbreviation: J MAGN MAGN MATER
ISSN: 0304-8853
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (34)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



High-frequency EPR study on Cu4Cu- and Co4Co-metallacrown complexes (2019) Koo C, Park J, Butscher J, Rentschler E, Klingeler R Journal article Long-term stable measurement phantoms for magnetic particle imaging (2019) Woeckel L, Wells J, Kosch O, Lyer S, Alexiou C, Gruettner C, Wiekhorst F, Dutz S Journal article Functionalization of T lymphocytes for magnetically controlled immune therapy: Selection of suitable superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (2019) Mühlberger M, Janko C, Unterweger H, Schreiber E, Band J, Lehmann C, Dudziak D, et al. Journal article, Original article Strain detection in non-magnetic steel by Kerr-microscopy of magnetic tracer layers (2018) Jourdan M, Kraemer MMB, Klaeui M, Elmers HJ, Deldar S, Smaga M, Beck T Journal article Strategies to optimize the biocompatibility of iron oxide nanoparticles - "SPIONs safe by design" (2017) Janko C, Zaloga J, Poettler M, Dürr S, Eberbeck D, Tietze R, Lyer S, Alexiou C Journal article Direct Measurement of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Cementite (2016) Kaeswurm B, Friemert K, Gürsoy M, Skokov KP, Gutfleisch O Journal article Assessment of the Magnetocaloric Effect in La,Pr(Fe,Si) (2016) Kaeswurm B, Franco V, Skokov KP, Gutfleisch O Journal article, Original article Optical detection of nanoparticle agglomeration in a living system under the influence of a magnetic field (2015) Mueller R, Stranik O, Schlenk F, Werner S, Malsch D, Fischer D, Fritzsche W Journal article Quantitative magnetometry analysis and structural characterization of multisegmented cobalt-nickel nanowires (2015) Cantu-Valle J, Diaz Barriga-Castro E, Vega V, Garcia J, Mendoza-Resendez R, Luna C, Manuel Prida V, et al. Journal article Spintronic properties of Li1.5Mn0.5Z (Z=As, Sb) compounds in the Cu2Sb structure (2015) Damewood L, Fong CY, Klein BM, Yang LH, Felser C Journal article
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