Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Journal Abbreviation: J ACOUST SOC AM
ISSN: 0001-4966
eISSN: 1520-8524
Publisher: Acoustical Society of America

Publications (69)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Perceptual analysis of directional late reverberation (2021) Alary B, Massé P, Schlecht SJ, Noisternig M, Välimäki V Journal article Fluid-structure-acoustic interactions in an ex vivo porcine phonation model (2021) Semmler M, Berry DA, Schützenberger A, Döllinger M Journal article Generating coherence-constrained multisensor signals using balanced mixing and spectrally smooth filters (2021) Mirabilii D, Schlecht SJ, Habets E Journal article No dynamic visual capture for self-translation minimum audible angle (2020) Rummukainen OS, Schlecht SJ, Habets E Journal article Hybrid aeroacoustic approach for the efficient numerical simulation of human phonation (2020) Schoder S, Weitz M, Maurerlehner P, Hauser A, Falk S, Kniesburges S, Döllinger M, Kaltenbacher M Journal article Analysis of the tonal sound generation during phonation with and without glottis closure (2020) Kniesburges S, Lodermeyer A, Semmler M, Schulz Y, Schützenberger A, Becker S Journal article Estimating the spatial distribution of vocalizing animals from ambient sound spectra using widely spaced recorder arrays and inverse modelling (2019) Menze S, Paranhos Zitterbart D, Biuw M, Boebel O Journal article Calculating the full leaky Lamb wave spectrum with exact fluid interaction (2019) Kiefer DA, Ponschab M, Rupitsch S, Mayle M Journal article Aerodynamic impact of the ventricular folds in computational larynx models (2019) Sadeghi H, Döllinger M, Kaltenbacher M, Kniesburges S Journal article Calculating the full leaky Lamb wave dispersion characteristics (2019) Kiefer DA, Ponschab M, Rupitsch S Conference contribution
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