Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Journal Abbreviation: J AM COLL CARDIOL
ISSN: 0735-1097
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (74)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



The Tobacco Endgame: Eradicating a Worsening Epidemic A Joint Opinion From the American Heart Association, World Heart Federation, American College of Cardiology, and the European Society of Cardiology (2021) Willett J, Achenbach S, Pinto FJ, Poppas A, Elkind MS Journal article Post-Stroke Cardiovascular Complications and Neurogenic Cardiac Injury: JACC State-of-the-Art Review (2020) Sposato LA, Hilz MJ, Aspberg S, Murthy SB, Bahit MC, Hsieh CY, Sheppard MN, Scheitz JF Journal article, Review article Ticagrelor or Prasugrel in Patients With Non–ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes (2020) Valina C, Neumann FJ, Menichelli M, Mayer K, Woehrle J, Bernlochner I, Aytekin A, et al. Journal article Ticagrelor or Prasugrel for Platelet Inhibition in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: The ISAR-REACT 5 Trial (2020) Mayer K, Bongiovanni D, Karschin V, Sibbing D, Angiolillo DJ, Schunkert H, Laugwitz KL, et al. Journal article Impact of Renal Denervation on Plasma Renin Activity and Relationship of Baseline Plasma Renin Activity to Blood Pressure Lowering Response to Renal Denervation in the SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED Pivotal trial (2020) Mahfoud F, Townsend R, Kandzari D, Kario K, Schmieder R, Tsioufis K, Boehm M, et al. Conference contribution Patients With Resistant Hypertension in the Global SYMPLICITY Registry: Antihypertensive Medication Burden and Changes in Blood Pressure out to 3 Years (2020) Schlaich M, Boehm M, Mancia G, Schmieder R, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Williams B, et al. Conference contribution 10-Year Outcomes From a Randomized Trial of Polymer-Free Versus Durable Polymer Drug-Eluting Coronary Stents (2020) Kufner S, Ernst M, Cassese S, Joner M, Mayer K, Colleran R, Koppara T, et al. Journal article Renal Denervation in High-Risk Patients With Hypertension (2020) Mahfoud F, Mancia G, Schmieder R, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Schlaich M, Whitbourn R, et al. Journal article AntimiR-21 Prevents Myocardial Dysfunction in a Pig Model of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury (2020) Hinkel R, Ramanujam D, Kaczmarek V, Howe A, Klett K, Beck C, Dueck A, et al. Journal article Global Longitudinal Strain and Cardiac Events in Patients With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Myocarditis (2020) Awadalla M, Mahmood SS, Groarke JD, Hassan MZ, Nohria A, Rokicki A, Murphy SP, et al. Journal article
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