Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Journal Abbreviation: P ROY SOC A-MATH PHY
ISSN: 1364-5021
Publisher: Royal Society, The
Publications (13)
Data-driven discovery of invariant measures (2024)
Bramburger JJ, Fantuzzi G
Journal article, Original article
On the equivalence of the two foundational formulations for atomistic flux in inhomogeneous transport processes (2019)
Diaz A, Davydov D, Chen Y
Journal article
Onsager's conjecture in bounded domains for the conservation of entropy and other companion laws (2019)
Bardos C, Gwiazda P, Swierczewska-Gwiazda A, Titi ES, Wiedemann E
Journal article
Optoacoustic image reconstruction: The full inverse problem with variable bases (2018)
Schoeder S, Olefir I, Kronbichler M, Ntziachristos V, Wall WA
Journal article
The origin of compression influences geometric instabilities in bilayers (2018)
Andres S, Steinmann P, Budday S
Journal article, Original article
On nonlinear thermo-electro-elasticity (2016)
Mehnert M, Mokarram H, Steinmann P
Journal article
Impact of the spatial structure of the hydraulic conductivity field on vorticity in three-dimensional flows (2016)
Di Dato M, Fiori A, Chiogna G, De Barros FP, Bellin A
Journal article
Surface electrostatics - Theory and computations (2014)
Chatzigeorgiou G, Javili A, Steinmann P
Journal article
Nonlinear magneto-viscoelasticity of transversally isotropic magneto-active polymers (2014)
Saxena P, Mokarram H, Steinmann P
Journal article
Finite auxetic deformations of plane tessellations (2013)
Mitschke H, Robins V, Mecke K, Schröder-Turk G
Journal article