International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Journal Abbreviation: INT J ADV MANUF TECH
ISSN: 0268-3768
eISSN: 1433-3015
Publisher: Springer Verlag

Publications (33)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Three-beam laser brazing of zinc-coated steel (2017) Reimann W, Dobler M, Goede M, Schmidt M, Dilger K Journal article Simulation and experimental investigation for the 2D and 3D laser direct structuring process (2017) Bachy B, Süß-Wolf R, Kordaß T, Franke J Journal article Corrective polishing of freeform optical surfaces in an off-axis three-mirror imaging system (2017) Huang D Journal article Macroscopic simulation and experimental measurement of melt pool characteristics in selective electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V (2017) Riedlbauer DR, Scharowsky T, Singer R, Steinmann P, Körner C, Mergheim J Journal article, Original article Influence of the hatching strategy on consolidation during selective electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V (2017) Scharowsky T, Bauereiß A, Körner C Journal article, Original article Effect of the cutting condition and the reinforcement phase on the thermal load of the workpiece when dry turning aluminum metal matrix composites (2015) Aurich JC, Zimmermann M, Schindler S, Steinmann P Journal article Reducing energy consumption of industrial robots in manufacturing systems (2015) Paryanto P, Brossog M, Bornschlegl M, Franke J Journal article, Review article Numerical investigations on hatching process strategies for powder-bed-based additive manufacturing using an electron beam (2015) Markl M, Ammer R, Rüde U, Körner C Journal article, Original article Evaluation of geometric tolerances and generation of variational part representatives for tolerance analysis (2015) Schleich B, Wartzack S Journal article, Original article Influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties and the forming behaviour of very thin metal foils (2010) Diehl A, Engel U, Geiger M Journal article
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