Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

Journal Abbreviation: J NON-CRYST SOLIDS
ISSN: 0022-3093
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (91)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Fracture anisotropy in texturized lithium disilicate glass-ceramics (2018) Belli R, Wendler M, Cicconi MR, de Ligny D, Petschelt A, Werbach K, Peterlik H, Lohbauer U Journal article Induction of VEGF secretion from bone marrow stromal cell line (ST-2) by the dissolution products of mesoporous silica glass particles containing CuO and SrO (2018) Balasubramanian P, Salinas AJ, Sanchez-Salcedo S, Detsch R, Vallet-Regi M, Boccaccini AR Journal article, Original article Dissolution of borate and borosilicate bioactive glasses and the influence of ion (Zn, Cu) doping in different solutions (2018) Schuhladen K, Wang X, Hupa L, Boccaccini AR Journal article, Original article Formation, structure and properties of fluoro-sulfo-phosphate poly-anionic glasses (2017) Le QH, Palenta T, Benzine O, Griebenow K, Limbach R, Kamitsos EI, Wondraczek L Journal article Cerium/aluminum correlation in aluminosilicate glasses and optical silica fiber preforms (2017) Cicconi MR, Neuville DR, Blanc W, Lupi JF, Vermillac M, de Ligny D Journal article The effect of TiO2 on the structure of Na2O-CaO-SiO2 glasses and its implications for thermal and mechanical properties (2017) Limbach R, Karlsson S, Scannell G, Mathew R, Eden M, Wondraczek L Journal article Quantitative analysis of scratch-induced microabrasion on silica glass (2017) Moayedi E, Wondraczek L Journal article Modifying the surface wetting behavior of soda-lime silicate glass substrates through thermal poling (2017) Lind F, Palles D, Moencke D, Kamitsos EI, Wondraczek L Journal article Transition-metal incorporation and Co-Sr/Mn-Sr mixed-modifier effect in metaphosphate glasses (2017) Griebenow K, Hoppe U, Moencke D, Kamitsos EI, Wondraczek L Journal article Serrated flow of CuZr-based bulk metallic glasses probed by nanoindentation: Role of the activation barrier, size and distribution of shear transformation zones (2017) Limbach R, Kosiba K, Pauly S, Kuehn U, Wondraczek L Journal article