Journal of Food Engineering
Journal Abbreviation: J FOOD ENG
ISSN: 0260-8774
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (7)
Flowability of plant based food powders: Almond, chestnut, chickpea, coconut, hazelnut and rice (2023)
Düsenberg B, Schmidt J, Sensoy I, Bück A
Journal article, Original article
Whey protein (amyloid)-aggregates in oil-water systems: The process-related comminution effect (2021)
Heyn TR, Uttinger M, Kwade A, Peukert W, Keppler JK, Schwarz K
Journal article, Original article
Vibrations as a cause of texture defects during yogurt manufacturing – Formation of vibrations and their propagation in dairy production lines (2021)
Temme P, Körzendörfer A, Hinrichs J, Schlücker E
Journal article
Vibrations as a cause of texture defects during the acid-induced coagulation of milk – Fluid dynamic effects and their impact on physical properties of stirred yogurt (2021)
Körzendörfer A, Temme P, Lodermeyer A, Schlücker E, Hinrichs J
Journal article
Fuzzy logic based process control strategy for effective sheeting of wheat dough in small and medium-sized enterprises (2017)
Mahadevappa J, Groß F, Delgado A
Journal article
Data driven stochastic modelling and simulation of cooling demand within breweries (2016)
Hubert S, Helmers T, Groß F, Delgado A
Journal article
Uniformity of enzyme inactivation in a short time high pressure process (2009)
Rauh C, Baars A, Delgado A
Journal article, Original article