Journal of Computational Physics
Journal Abbreviation: J COMPUT PHYS
ISSN: 0021-9991
eISSN: 1090-2716
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (43)
A novel pseudo-rigid body approach to the non-linear dynamics of soft micro-particles in dilute viscous flow (2024)
Wedel J, Hriberšek M, Ravnik J, Steinmann P
Journal article
Development of a central-moment phase-field lattice Boltzmann model for thermocapillary flows: Droplet capture and computational performance (2024)
Holzer M, Mitchell TR, Leonardi CR, Rüde U
Journal article
Volume of fluid based modeling of thermocapillary flow applied to a free surface lattice Boltzmann method (2023)
Scherr R, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article
Solver comparison for Poisson-like equations on tokamak geometries (2023)
Bourne E, Leleux P, Kormann K, Kruse C, Grandgirard V, Güçlü Y, Kühn MJ, et al.
Journal article
Higher-order dynamic mode decomposition on-the-fly: A low-order algorithm for complex fluid flows (2023)
Amor C, Schlatter P, Vinuesa R, Le Clainche S
Journal article
Comparison of free-surface and conservative Allen–Cahn phase-field lattice Boltzmann method (2023)
Schwarzmeier C, Holzer M, Mitchell T, Lehmann M, Häusl F, Rüde U
Journal article
A numerical approach to the optimal control of thermally convective flows (2023)
Song Y, Yuan X, Yue H
Journal article, Original article
A variational integrator for the Discrete Element Method (2022)
De Klerk DN, Shire T, Gao Z, McBride AT, Pearce CJ, Steinmann P
Journal article
Unconditionally stable numerical methods for Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes-Darcy system with different densities and viscosities (2022)
Gao Y, Han D, He X, Rüde U
Journal article
Applying Bayesian optimization with Gaussian process regression to computational fluid dynamics problems (2022)
Morita Y, Rezaeiravesh S, Tabatabaei N, Vinuesa R, Fukagata K, Schlatter P
Journal article