European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Journal Abbreviation: EUR J INORG CHEM
ISSN: 1434-1948
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag
Publications (143)
A Genuine Trivalent Bis-Acylphosphide (BAP) Complex of Uranium (2024)
Hochholzer J, Waldschmidt P, Heinemann FW, Grützmacher H, Meyer K
Journal article
Supported Ruthenium Phosphide as a Promising Catalyst for Selective Hydrogenation of Sugars (2024)
Popp L, Kampe P, Fritsch B, Hutzler A, Poller MJ, Albert J, Schühle P
Journal article
Electronic Structure of trans-[VIICl2(E(CH3)2CH2CH2E(CH3)2)2], E=N, P (2024)
Jafari MG, Zolnhofer E, Fehn D, Heinemann FW, Opalade AA, Carroll PJ, Meyer K, et al.
Journal article
Electroactive Prussian Blue Analogues/TiO2 Nanocomposites Obtained through SILAR Assembly in Mesoporous Nanoarchitectures (2023)
Vensaus P, Caraballo RM, Tritto E, Fernández CC, Angelomé PC, Fuertes MC, Williams FJ, et al.
Journal article
Diverse Reactivity of a Ca(I) Synthon (2023)
Mai J, Rösch B, Langer J, Grams S, Morasch M, Harder S
Journal article
Single- vs Double-Decker Copper 12-MC-4 Metallacrown Using the Coordination Flexibility of a Soft Donor Ligand (2022)
Gamer C, Sundaresan S, Carrella LM, Rentschler E
Journal article
Unravelling the Mystery: Enlightenment of the Uncommon Electrochemistry of Naphthalene Monoimide [FeFe] Hydrogenase Mimics (2022)
Benndorf S, Hofmeister E, Waechtler M, Goerls H, Liebing P, Peneva K, Gräfe S, et al.
Journal article
Main Group Catalysis (2022)
Inoue S, Melen RL, Harder S
Journal article
Tandem Pauson-Khand Reaction Using Carbon Dioxide as the C1-Source (2022)
Shyshkanov S, Vasilyev D, Abhyankar KA, Stylianou KC, Dyson PJ
Journal article
Interconversion of tetrahedral [(M)(4)boolean AND{Mg-4(L-1)(6)}]/[In-4(L-2)(4)] and cyclic [In6Cl6(L-3)(6)]. Enantiotopization of diastereotopic protons monitored by means of VT H-1 NMR spectroscopy (2021)
Bauer W, Maid H, Saalfrank RW
Journal article, Review article