Journal of Biotechnology
Journal Abbreviation: J BIOTECHNOL
ISSN: 0168-1656
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (15)
An NADH preferring acetoacetyl-CoA reductase is engaged in poly-3-hydroxybutyrate accumulation in Escherichia coli (2021)
Olavarria K, Carnet A, Van Renselaar J, Quakkelaar C, Cabrera R, Da Silva LG, Smids AL, et al.
Journal article
Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis grown in xylem mimicking medium (2013)
Hiery E, Adam S, Reid S, Hofmann J, Sonnewald S, Burkovski A
Journal article, Original article
Adaptation of AmtR-controlled gene expression by modulation of AmtR binding activity in Corynebacterium glutamicum (2011)
Hasselt K, Rankl S, Worsch S, Burkovski A
Journal article, Original article
Expression, purification, and characterization of a His6-tagged glycerokinase from Pichia farinosa for enzymatic cycling assays in mammalian cells (2010)
Janke R, Genzel Y, Freund S, Wolff MW, Grammel H, Ruehmkorf C, Seidemann J, et al.
Journal article
Impact of adenylyltransferase GlnE on nitrogen starvation response in Corynebacterium glutamicum (2010)
Rehm N, Buchinger S, Strösser J, Walter B, Hans S, Bathe B, Schomburg D, et al.
Journal article, Original article
A combination of transcriptome and metabolome analyses reveals new targets of the Corynebacterium glutamicum nitrogen regulator AmtR (2009)
Buchinger S, Strösser J, Rehm N, Hänßler E, Hans S, Bathe B, Schomburg D, et al.
Journal article, Original article
A game with many players: regulation of gdh transcription in Corynebacterium glutamicum. (2009)
Hänßler E, Müller T, Palumbo K, Patek M, Brocker M, Krämer R, Burkovski A
Journal article, Original article
Large-scale production and efficient recovery of PHB with desirable material properties, from the newly characterised Bacillus cereus SPV (2007)
Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Mutation-induced metabolite pool alterations in Corynebacterium glutamicum: towards the identification of nitrogen control signals (2006)
Müller T, Strösser J, Buchinger S, Nolden L, Wirtz A, Krämer R, Burkovski A
Journal article, Original article
Application of global analysis techniques to Corynebacterium glutamicum: new insights into nitrogen regulation (2006)
Silberbach M, Burkovski A
Journal article, Review article