International Journal of Computer Vision

Journal Abbreviation: INT J COMPUT VISION
ISSN: 0920-5691
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (19)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



A Deeper Analysis of Volumetric Relightiable Faces (2023) Rao P, Mallikarjun BR, Fox G, Weyrich T, Bickel B, Pfister H, Matusik W, et al. Journal article Building 3D Generative Models from Minimal Data (2023) Sutherland S, Egger B, Tenenbaum J Journal article A Cutting-Plane Method for Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Problems with Product Label Spaces (2023) Ye Z, Haefner B, Queau Y, Moellenhoff T, Cremers D Journal article Deep Bingham Networks: Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Pose Estimation (2022) Deng H, Bui M, Navab N, Guibas L, Ilic S, Birdal T Journal article SoftPool++: An Encoder–Decoder Network for Point Cloud Completion (2022) Wang Y, Tan DJ, Navab N, Tombari F Journal article Learning 3D Semantic Scene Graphs with Instance Embeddings (2022) Wald J, Navab N, Tombari F Journal article MOTChallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking (2021) Dendorfer P, Osep A, Milan A, Schindler K, Cremers D, Reid I, Roth S, Leal-Taixe L Journal article Learning on the Edge: Investigating Boundary Filters in CNNs (2020) Innamorati C, Ritschel T, Weyrich T, Mitra NJ Journal article Occlusion-Aware 3D Morphable Models and an Illumination Prior for Face Image Analysis (2018) Egger B, Schonborn S, Schneider A, Kortylewski A, Morel-Forster A, Blumer C, Vetter T Journal article What Makes Good Synthetic Training Data for Learning Disparity and Optical Flow Estimation? (2018) Mayer N, Ilg E, Fischer P, Hazirbas C, Cremers D, Dosovitskiy A, Brox T Journal article