International Journal of Computer Vision

Journal Abbreviation: INT J COMPUT VISION
ISSN: 0920-5691
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (19)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Building 3D Generative Models from Minimal Data (2023) Sutherland S, Egger B, Tenenbaum J Journal article A Cutting-Plane Method for Sublabel-Accurate Relaxation of Problems with Product Label Spaces (2023) Ye Z, Haefner B, Queau Y, Moellenhoff T, Cremers D Journal article A Deeper Analysis of Volumetric Relightiable Faces (2023) Rao P, Mallikarjun BR, Fox G, Weyrich T, Bickel B, Pfister H, Matusik W, et al. Journal article Deep Bingham Networks: Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Pose Estimation (2022) Deng H, Bui M, Navab N, Guibas L, Ilic S, Birdal T Journal article SoftPool++: An Encoder–Decoder Network for Point Cloud Completion (2022) Wang Y, Tan DJ, Navab N, Tombari F Journal article Learning 3D Semantic Scene Graphs with Instance Embeddings (2022) Wald J, Navab N, Tombari F Journal article MOTChallenge: A Benchmark for Single-Camera Multiple Target Tracking (2021) Dendorfer P, Osep A, Milan A, Schindler K, Cremers D, Reid I, Roth S, Leal-Taixe L Journal article Learning on the Edge: Investigating Boundary Filters in CNNs (2020) Innamorati C, Ritschel T, Weyrich T, Mitra NJ Journal article Occlusion-Aware 3D Morphable Models and an Illumination Prior for Face Image Analysis (2018) Egger B, Schonborn S, Schneider A, Kortylewski A, Morel-Forster A, Blumer C, Vetter T Journal article What Makes Good Synthetic Training Data for Learning Disparity and Optical Flow Estimation? (2018) Mayer N, Ilg E, Fischer P, Hazirbas C, Cremers D, Dosovitskiy A, Brox T Journal article