International Journal of Engine Research
Journal Abbreviation: INT J ENGINE RES
ISSN: 1468-0874
Publisher: SAGE Publications (UK and US)
Publications (15)
Quantifying extinction imaging of fuel sprays considering scattering errors (2023)
Lehnert B, Weiß L, Berrocal E, Wensing M
Journal article
Hierarchical model predictive control for an off-highway Diesel engine with SCR catalyst (2023)
Harder K, Niemeyer J, Remele J, Graichen K
Journal article
Investigations on an active pre-chamber ignition system in a combustion chamber (2022)
Russwurm T, Peter A, Strauß L, Rieß S, Wensing M
Journal article
Highly time-resolved heat flux measurement in a combustion engine (2022)
Huber K, Gackstatter F, Roediger T, Wensing M
Journal article
The effect of transient needle lift on the internal flow and near-nozzle spray characteristics for modern GDI systems investigated by high-speed X-ray imaging (2021)
Mamaikin D, Knorsch T, Rogler P, Wang J, Wensing M
Journal article
The influence of superheated injection on liquid and gaseous flow field of an experimental single-hole gasoline direct injection injector (2019)
Bornschlegel S, Conrad C, Durst A, Welß R, Wensing M, Olbinado M, Helfen L, Baumbach T
Journal article
Air entrainment and mixture distribution in Diesel sprays investigated by optical measurement techniques (2018)
Rieß S, Weiß L, Peter A, Rezaei J, Wensing M
Journal article
Multi-hole gasoline direct injection: In-nozzle flow and primary breakup investigated in transparent nozzlesand with X-ray (2017)
Bornschlegel S, Conrad C, Durst A, Wang J, Wensing M
Journal article
Flashboiling-induced targeting changes in gasoline direct injection sprays (2016)
Kraemer M, Kull E, Wensing M
Journal article
Transition of diesel spray to a supercritical state under engine conditions (2016)
Wensing M, Vogel T, Goetz G
Journal article