International Journal of Cardiology

Journal Abbreviation: INT J CARDIOL
ISSN: 0167-5273
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (34)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Force-interval relationship predicts mortality in survivors of myocardial infarction with atrial fibrillation (2015) Sinnecker D, Barthel P, Huster KM, Mueller A, Gebhardt J, Dommasch M, Schneider S, et al. Journal article Effort-reward imbalance is associated with the metabolic syndrome - Findings from the Mannheim Industrial Cohort Study (MICS) (2015) Schmidt B, Bosch JA, Jarczok MN, Herr RM, Loerbroks A, Van Vianen AEM, Fischer JE Journal article Treatment and outcome of coronary artery perforations using a dual guiding catheter technique (2015) Röther J, Tröbs M, Ludwig J, Achenbach S, Schlundt C Journal article Clinical outcomes of patients treated with Nobori biolimus-eluting stent: Meta-analysis of randomized trials (2014) Cassese S, Fusaro M, Byrne RA, Tada T, Hoppmann P, Joner M, Laugwitz KL, et al. Journal article A guide for easy- and difficult-to-treat hypertension (2014) Schmieder R, Volpe M, Waeber B, Ruilope LM Journal article Improvement of albuminuria after renal denervation (2014) Ott C, Mahfoud F, Schmid A, Ditting T, Veelken R, Ewen S, Ukena C, et al. Journal article 1-Year outcomes of hypertension management in 13,000 outpatients under practice conditions: Prospective 3A registry (2014) Zeymer U, Dechend R, Riemer T, Kaiser E, Senges J, Pittrow D, Schmieder R Journal article Histamine in atrial fibrillation (AF)--is there any connection? Results from an unselected population (2014) Layritz CM, Hagel A, Graf V, Reiser C, Klinghammer L, Ropers D, Achenbach S, Raithel M Journal article Differential interaction of clinical characteristics with key functional parameters in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction - Results of the Aldo-DHF trial (2013) Edelmann F, Gelbrich G, Duvinage A, Stahrenberg R, Behrens A, Prettin C, Kraigher-Krainer E, et al. Journal article Tele-accelerometry as a novel technique for assessing functional status in patients with heart failure: Feasibility, reliability and patient safety (2013) Jehn M, Prescher S, Koehler K, Von Haehling S, Winkler S, Deckwart O, Honold M, et al. Journal article
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