International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics
Journal Abbreviation: INT J MOD PHYS E
ISSN: 0218-3013
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Publications (7)
E1 strength in light nuclei: Skyrme RPA analysis (2012)
Kvasil J, Repko A, Nesterenko VO, Kleinig W, Reinhard PG
Journal article
Instabilities constraint and relativistic mean field parametrization (2011)
Sulaksono A, Kasmudin , Bürvenich TJ, Reinhard PG, Maruhn JA
Journal article
Skyrme-hartree-fock description of the dipole strength in neutron-rich tin isotopes (2011)
Kvasil J, Nesterenko VO, Kleinig W, Božík D, Reinhard PG
Journal article
Energy systematics of heavy nuclei - Mean field models in comparison (2011)
Reinhard PG, Agrawal BK
Journal article
Skyrme-random-phase-approximation description of spin-flip and orbital M1 giant resonances (2010)
Nesterenko VO, Kvasil J, Vesely P, Kleinig W, Reinhard PG
Journal article
Skyrme-random-phase-approximation description of E1 strength in 92100Mo (2009)
Kvasil J, Vesely P, Nesterenko VO, Kleinig W, Reinhard PG, Frauendorf S
Journal article
Fission of super-heavy nuclei explored with skyrme forces (2009)
Schindzielorz N, Erler J, Klüpfel P, Reinhard PG, Hager G
Journal article