Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
Journal Abbreviation: J PHYS B-AT MOL OPT
ISSN: 0953-4075
Publisher: Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access
Publications (25)
Recent advances in petahertz electric field sampling (2022)
Herbst A, Scheffter K, Bidhendi MM, Kieker M, Srivastava A, Fattahi H
Journal article, Review article
The role of anchoring groups in ruthenium(II)-bipyridine sensitized p-type semiconductor solar cells-a quantum chemical approach (2020)
Sen A, Kupfer S, Gräfe S, Gross A
Journal article
Dissociation and ionization of HeH+ in sub-cycle-controlled intense two-color fields (2020)
Oppermann F, Wustelt P, Florin T, Mhatre S, Gräfe S, Paulus GG, Lein M
Journal article
The impact of electron-electron correlation in ultrafast attosecond single ionization dynamics (2020)
Froebel FG, Ziems KM, Peschel U, Gräfe S, Schubert A
Journal article
Broadband terahertz solid-state emitter driven by Yb:YAG thin-disk oscillator (2020)
Barbiero G, Wang H, Brons J, Chen BH, Pervak V, Fattahi H
Journal article
Length-dependence of light-induced currents in graphene (2020)
Boolakee T, Heide C, Wagner F, Ott C, Schlecht MT, Ristein J, Weber HB, Hommelhoff P
Journal article, Letter
Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: I. Light-matter interaction (2019)
Ueda K, Sokell E, Schippers S, Aumayr F, Sadeghpour H, Burgdoerfer J, Lemell C, et al.
Journal article
Asymmetry flip in angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of rare gas atoms by intense circularly polarized few-cycle pulses (2019)
Fukahori S, Yamanouchi K, Paulus GG
Journal article
Controlled doping of a bosonic quantum gas with single neutral atoms (2019)
Mayer D, Schmidt F, Adam D, Haupt S, Koch J, Lausch T, Nettersheim J, et al.
Journal article
The plateau in above-threshold ionization: The keystone of rescattering physics (2018)
Becker W, Goreslavski SP, Milosevic DB, Paulus GG
Journal article, Review article