Cell and Tissue Research
Journal Abbreviation: CELL TISSUE RES
ISSN: 0302-766X
eISSN: 1432-0878
Publisher: Springer
Publications (23)
Digital pathology imaging and computer-aided diagnostics as a novel tool for standardization of evaluation of aganglionic megacolon (Hirschsprung disease) histopathology (2018)
Schilling F, Geppert CI, Strehl J, Hartmann A, Kürten S, Brehmer A, Jabari S
Journal article
SoxC transcription factors: multifunctional regulators of neurodevelopment (2018)
Kavyanifar A, Turan S, Lie DC
Journal article
Disease modeling in genetic kidney diseases: zebrafish (2017)
Schenk H, Müller-Deile J, Kinast M, Schiffer M
Journal article
From CNS stem cells to neurons and glia: Sox for everyone (2015)
Reiprich S, Wegner M
Journal article
Special characteristics of the transcription and splicing machinery in photoreceptor cells of the mammalian retina (2015)
Derlig K, Gießl A, Brandstätter JH, Enz R, Dahlhaus R
Journal article
Bone tissue engineering by using a combination of polymer/Bioglass composites with human adipose-derived stem cells (2014)
Lu W, Ji K, Kirkham J, Yan Y, Boccaccini AR, Kellett M, Jin Y, Yang XB
Journal article, Original article
Mucosal layers and related nerve fibres in non-chagasic and chagasic human colon—a quantitative immunohistochemical study (2014)
Jabari S, Da Silveira AB, De Oliveira E, Quint K, Wirries A, Neuhuber W, Brehmer A
Journal article, Original article
Raman microspectroscopic discrimination of TCam-2 cultures reveals the presence of two sub-populations of cells (2013)
Eppelmann U, Gottardo F, Wistuba J, Ehmcke J, Kossack N, Westernstroeer B, Redmann K, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Selective survival of calretinin and vasoactive-intestinalpeptide- containing nerve elements in human chagasic submucosa and mucosa (2012)
Jabari S, Da Silveira AB, De Oliveira E, Neto SD, Quint K, Neuhuber W, Brehmer A
Journal article, Original article
ChAT and NOS in human myenteric neurons: Co-existence and co-absence (2009)
Beck M, Schlabrakowski A, Schrödl F, Neuhuber W, Brehmer A
Journal article, Original article