Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Journal Abbreviation: RAPID COMMUN MASS SP
ISSN: 0951-4198
eISSN: 1097-0231
Publisher: Wiley
Publications (11)
Implementation of an enclosed ionization interface for the analysis of liquid sample streams with direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (2021)
Kloth R, Khanipour P, Mayrhofer K, Katsounaros I
Journal article
Beware of effects on isotopes of dissolved oxygen during storage of natural iron-rich water samples: A technical note (2021)
Köhler I, Piatka D, Barth J, Martinez RE
Journal article
Interlaboratory test for stable carbon isotope analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon in geothermal fluids (2020)
Verma MP, van Geldern R, Carvalho MC, Grassa F, Delgado-Huertas A, Monvoisin G, Carrizo D
Journal article
Stable isotope relationships between apatite phosphate (δ18 O), structural carbonate (δ18 O, δ13 C), and collagen (δ2 H, δ13 C, δ15 N, δ34 S) in modern human dentine (2020)
Lehn C, Rossmann A, Mayr C
Journal article
Inter-laboratory test for oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope analyses of geothermal fluids: Assessment of reservoir fluid compositions (2018)
Verma MP, van Geldern R, Barth J, Monvoisin G, Rogers K, Grassa F, Carrizo D, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Stable carbon isotope fractionation data between H2CO 3 * and CO2(g) extended to 120 °c (2014)
Myrttinen A, Becker V, Mayer B, Barth J
Journal article
Stable carbon isotope analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in natural waters - Results from a worldwide proficiency test (2013)
van Geldern R, Verma MP, Carvalho MC, Grassa F, Delgado-Huertas A, Monvoisin G, Barth J
Journal article
Carbon disulfide reagent allows the characterization of nonpolar analytes by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (2011)
Owen BC, Gao J, Borton DJ, Amundson LM, Archibold EF, Tan X, Azyat K, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Isotopic composition of inorganic carbon as an indicator of benzoate degradation by Pseudomonas putida: Temperature, growth rate and ph effects (2000)
Barth J
Journal article
Generation and detection of [C59N]+ by laser desorption/ionisation high-field Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (2000)
Feng X, Clipston N, Brown T, Cooper H, Reuther U, Hirsch A, Derrick PJ, Drewello T
Journal article, Original article