Progress in Photovoltaics

Journal Abbreviation: PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS
ISSN: 1062-7995
eISSN: 1099-159X
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Publications (27)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Practical limits of multijunction solar cells (2023) Peters IM, Rodríguez Gallegos CD, Lüer L, Hauch J, Brabec CJ Journal article Anomaly detection in IR images of PV modules using supervised contrastive learning (2022) Bommes L, Hoffmann M, Buerhop-Lutz C, Pickel T, Hauch J, Brabec C, Maier A, Peters IM Journal article Assessment of string performance using self-referencing method in comparison to performance ratio (2022) Buerhop C, Pickel T, Hauch J, Peters IM Journal article Post-deposition annealing and interfacial atomic layer deposition buffer layers of Sb2Se3/CdS stacks for reduced interface recombination and increased open-circuit voltages (2022) Weiss TP, Minguez-Bacho I, Zuccala E, Melchiorre M, Valle N, El Adib B, Yokosawa T, et al. Journal article Evolution of inverter ground impedances for PV modules with various backsheet types (2022) Buerhop C, Stroyuk O, Pickel T, Hauch J, Peters IM Journal article Georeferencing of photovoltaic modules from aerial infrared videos using structure-from-motion (2022) Bommes L, Buerhop-Lutz C, Pickel T, Hauch J, Brabec C, Peters IM Journal article Fully printed organic solar modules with bottom and top silver nanowire electrodes (2021) Tam KC, Kubis P, Maisch P, Brabec C, Egelhaaf HJ Journal article Computer vision tool for detection, mapping, and fault classification of photovoltaics modules in aerial IR videos (2021) Bommes L, Pickel T, Buerhop-Lutz C, Hauch J, Brabec C, Peters IM Journal article Deep Learning-based Pipeline for Module Power Prediction from EL Measurements (2021) Hoffmann M, Buerhop-Lutz C, Reeb L, Pickel T, Winkler T, Doll B, Würfl T, et al. Journal article, Original article Accelerated lifetime testing of thin-film solar cells at high irradiances and controlled temperatures (2021) Burlafinger K, Strohm S, Joisten C, Woiton M, Classen A, Hepp J, Heumüller T, et al. Journal article
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