Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

Journal Abbreviation: J ALZHEIMERS DIS
ISSN: 1387-2877
eISSN: 1875-8908
Publisher: IOS Press

Publications (27)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Reconceptualization of the Erlangen Score for the Assessment of Dementia Risk: The ERlangen Score (2023) Utz J, Olm P, Jablonowski J, Siegmann EM, Spitzer P, Lewczuk P, Kornhuber J, et al. Journal article Insights into the Pathophysiology of Alzheimer's Disease and Potential Therapeutic Targets: A Current Perspective (2023) Kumaran KR, Yunusa S, Perimal E, Wahab H, Müller CP, Hassan Z Journal article, Review article The Dementia Assessment of Service Needs (DEMAND): Development and Validation of a Standardized Needs Assessment Instrument (2022) Dietzel N, Grässel E, Kürten L, Meuer S, Klaas-Ickler D, Hladik M, Chmelirsch C, Kolominsky-Rabas P Journal article A Comparison of Operational Definitions for Mild Cognitive Impairment. (2022) Polcher A, Wolfsgruber S, Peters O, Froelich L, Wiltfang J, Kornhuber J, Huell M, et al. Journal article Identification of a Cascade of Changes in Activities of Daily Living Preceding Short-Term Clinical Deterioration in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Dementia via Lead-Lag Analysis (2020) Fuentes M, Klostermann A, Kleineidam L, Bauer C, Schuchhardt J, Maier W, Jessen F, et al. Journal article Cardiac Surgery is Associated with Biomarker Evidence of Neuronal Damage (2020) Alifier M, Olsson B, Andreasson U, Cullen NC, Czyżewska J, Jakubów P, Sieśkiewicz A, et al. Journal article Multivariate Platelet Analysis Differentiates between Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Controls at First Clinical Diagnosis (2019) Wiest I, Wiemers T, Kraus MJ, Neeb H, Strasser E, Hausner L, Froelich L, Bugert P Journal article Erlangen Score Predicts Cognitive and Neuroimaging Progression in Mild Cognitive Impairment Stage of Alzheimer's Disease (2019) Skillbäck T, Kornhuber J, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Lewczuk P Journal article Validation of the Erlangen Score Algorithm for Differential Dementia Diagnosis in Autopsy-Confirmed Subjects (2019) Somers C, Lewczuk P, Sieben A, Van Broeckhoven C, De Deyn PP, Kornhuber J, Martin JJ, et al. Journal article Immediate Intervention Effects of Standardized Multicomponent Group Interventions on People with Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review (2019) Özbe D, Grässel E, Donath C, Pendergrass A Journal article, Review article
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