Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences
Journal Abbreviation: SIAM J IMAGING SCI
ISSN: 1936-4954
Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Publications (17)
Proximal Langevin Sampling with Inexact Proximal Mapping ()
Ehrhardt MJ, Kuger L, Schonlieb CB
Journal article
A Graph Framework for Manifold-valued Data (2018)
Bergmann R, Tenbrinck D
Journal article
A Variational Model for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction (2018)
Burger M
Journal article
Sequential convex programming for computing information-theoretic minimal partitions: Nonconvex nonsmooth optimization (2017)
Kee Y, Lee Y, Souiai M, Cremers D, Kim J
Journal article
Collaborative total variation: A general framework for vectorial TV models (2016)
Duran J, Moeller M, Sbert C, Cremers D
Journal article
Spectral decompositions using one-homogeneous functionals (2016)
Burger M, Gilboa G, Moeller M, Eckardt L, Cremers D
Journal article
The primal-dual hybrid gradient method for semiconvex splittings (2015)
Moellenhoff T, Strekalovskiy E, Moeller M, Cremers D
Journal article
On the p-Laplacian and ∞-Laplacian on Graphs with Applications in Image and Data Processing (2015)
Elmoataz A, Toutain M, Tenbrinck D
Journal article
A Time Dependent Variational Approach to Image Restoration (2015)
Bögelein V, Duzaar F, Marcellini P
Journal article
Color Bregman TV (2014)
Moeller M, Brinkmann EM, Burger M, Seybold T
Journal article