Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal Abbreviation: J HIGH ENERGY PHYS
ISSN: 1029-8479
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany) / Institute of Physics / Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
Publications (39)
Filters (inactive)
The cosmological constant problem and the effective potential of a gravity-coupled scalar (2024)
Ferrero R, Percacci R
Journal article
Quadratic gravity potentials in de Sitter spacetime from Feynman diagrams (2023)
Ferrero R, Ripken C
Journal article
No invariant perfect qubit codes (2023)
Mansuroglu R, Sahlmann H
Journal article
On the possibility of a novel (A)dS/CFT relationship emerging in Asymptotic Safety (2022)
Ferrero R, Reuter M
Journal article
Duality defects in E 8 (2022)
Burbano IM, Kulp J, Neuser J
Journal article
The spectral geometry of de Sitter space in asymptotic safety (2022)
Ferrero R, Reuter M
Journal article
Recursive computation of Feynman periods (2022)
Borinsky M, Schnetz O
Journal article
Search for non-standard neutrino interactions with 10 years of ANTARES data (2022)
Albert A, Alves S, André M, Anghinolfi M, Anton G, Ardid M, Ardid S, et al.
Journal article
Boundary theories of critical matchgate tensor networks (2022)
Jahn A, Gluza M, Verhoeven C, Singh S, Eisert J
Journal article
Correlator correspondences for Gaiotto-Rapčák dualities and first order formulation of coset models (2021)
Creutzig T, Hikida Y
Journal article