Journal of Virology

Journal Abbreviation: J VIROL
ISSN: 0022-538X
eISSN: 1098-5514
Publisher: American Society for Microbiology

Publications (56)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



APOBEC3A, APOBEC3B, and APOBEC3H Haplotype 2 Restrict Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (2012) Ooms M, Krikoni A, Kreß A, Simon V, Muenk C Journal article Deletion of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus FLICE inhibitory protein, vFLIP, from the viral genome compromises the activation of STAT1-responsive cellular genes and spindle cell formation in endothelial cells. (2011) Stürzl M Journal article Dynamic antibody specificities and virion concentrations in circulating immune complexes in acute to chronic HIV-1 infection (2011) Liu P, Overman RG, Yates NL, Alam SM, Vandergrift N, Chen Y, Graw F, et al. Journal article Elevated cyclic AMP levels in T lymphocytes transformed by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (2010) Kreß A, Schneider G, Pichler K, Kalmer M, Fleckenstein B, Grassmann R Journal article O-linked N-acetylglucosaminylation of Sp1 inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 promoter (2009) Jochmann R, Thurau M, Jung S, Hofmann C, Naschberger E, Kremmer E, Harrer T, et al. Journal article A systems biology approach to identify the combination effects of human herpesvirus 8 genes on NF-κB activation (2009) Konrad A, Wies E, Thurau M, Marquardt G, Naschberger E, Hentschel S, Jochmann R, et al. Journal article Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus gH/gL: glycoprotein export and interaction with cellular receptors. (2009) Hahn A, Birkmann A, Wies E, Dorer D, Mahr K, Stürzl M, Titgemeyer F, Neipel F Journal article Viral inhibitor of apoptosis vFLIP/K13 protects endothelial cells against superoxide-induced cell death (2009) Thurau M, Marquardt G, Britzen-Laurent N, Weinlaender K, Naschberger E, Jochmann R, Alkharsah KR, et al. Journal article Transcriptional changes in the brains of cattle orally infected with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent precede detection of infectivity (2009) Tang Y, Xiang W, Hawkins SAC, Kretzschmar HA, Windl O Journal article Intracellular localization map of human herpesvirus 8 proteins. (2008) Sander G, Konrad A, Thurau M, Wies E, Leubert R, Kremmer E, Dinkel H, et al. Journal article