Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Journal Abbreviation: J PHYS CHEM C
ISSN: 1932-7447
eISSN: 1932-7455
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Publications (334)
Polymorphism of porphyrin molecules on Ag(111) and how to weave a rigid monolayer (2007)
Buchner F, Comanici K, Jux N, Steinrück HP, Marbach H
Journal article
Surface-confined two-step synthesis of the complex (ammine)(meso- tetraphenylporphyrinato)-zinc(II) on Ag(111) (2007)
Flechtner K, Kretschmann A, Bradshaw LR, Walz MM, Steinrück HP, Gottfried M
Journal article
Interaction of cobalt(II) tetraarylporphyrins with a Ag(111) surface studied with photoelectron spectroscopy (2007)
Jux N, Maier F, Steinrück HP
Journal article
Influence of steps on the adsorption of methane on platinum surfaces (2007)
Papp C, Tränkenschuh B, Streber R, Fuhrmann T, Denecke R, Steinrück HP
Journal article