Geological Society of America Bulletin

Journal Abbreviation: GEOL SOC AM BULL
ISSN: 0016-7606
eISSN: 1943-2674
Publisher: Geological Society of America

Publications (14)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Petrogenesis of the early Permian Hongliujing granite complex in the Chinese Eastern Tianshan orogen: Evidence for crustal growth in the Central Tianshan microcontinent (2024) He ZY, Klemd R, Lu TY, Yan LL, Xiang H Journal article The formation of a giant post-collision porphyry copper system: A case study of the Jiama deposit, Tibet (2024) Sun M, Tang JX, Klemd R, Lin B, Tang P, Zhang Zb, Chen W, et al. Journal article Relationship between stylolite morphology and the sealing potential of stylolite-bearing carbonate cap rocks (2023) Wu J, Fan T, Gomez-Rivas E, Cao Q, Travé A, Gao Z, Kang Z, et al. Journal article A one-million-year isotope record from siderites formed in modern ferruginous sediments (2023) Vuillemin A, Mayr C, Schuessler JA, Friese A, Bauer KW, Lücke A, Heuer VB, et al. Journal article Carbon and nitrogen isotope evidence for widespread presence of anoxic intermediate waters before and during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction (2022) Wu B, Luo G, Joachimski M, Wignall P, Lei L, Huang J, Lai X Journal article, Original article Siberian Trap volcanism, global warming and the Permian Triassic mass extinction: New insights from Armenian Permian-Triassic sections: Reply (2022) Joachimski M, Alekseev AS, Grigoryan A, Gatovsky YA Journal article, Original article Early Devonian Tectonic Conversion from Contraction to Extension in the Chinese Western Tianshan: A Response to Slab Rollback (2021) Wang XS, Klemd R, Gao J, Jiang T, Zhang X Journal article Two phases of post-onset collision adakitic magmatism in the southern Lhasa subterrane, Tibet, and their tectonic implications (2020) Lu T, He ZY, Klemd R Journal article Global warming leads to Early Triassic nutrient stress across northern Pangea (2020) Grasby SE, Knies J, Beauchamp B, Bond DPG, Wignall P, Sun Y Journal article Siberian Trap volcanism, global warming and the Permian-Triassic mass extinction: New insights from Armenian Permian-Triassic sections (2020) Joachimski M, Alekseev AS, Grigoryan A, Gatovsky YA Journal article