Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal Abbreviation: J EXP BIOL
ISSN: 0022-0949
Publisher: Company of Biologists
Publications (4)
Functioning of unidirectional ventilation in flying hawkmoths evaluated by pressure and oxygen measurements and X-ray video and tomography (2024)
Wasserthal LT, Cloetens P
Journal article
The Ol1mpiad: Concordance of behavioural faculties of stage 1 and stage 3 Drosophila larvae (2017)
Almeida-Carvalho MJ, Berh D, Braun A, Chen YC, Eichler K, Eschbach C, Fritsch PMJ, et al.
Journal article
A hydrodynamic sensory antenna used by killifish for nocturnal hunting (2011)
Schwarz JS, Reichenbach T, Hudspeth AJ
Journal article
Hexose/H+ symporters in lower and higher plants. (1994)
Caspari T, Will A, Opekarová M, Sauer N, Tanner W
Journal article, Review article