Journal of Maps
Journal Abbreviation: J MAPS
ISSN: 1744-5647
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publications (3)
The Alpine settlement system: capturing relevance beyond size (2023)
Bertram D, Chilla T, Lambracht M
Journal article
A diachronic perspective on lithic raw material procurement strategies and mobility: case studies from the Final Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic in Central Europe (2022)
Gehlen B, Affolter J, Schön W, Scharl S, Siegmund F, Fischer AL, Grunert M, et al.
Journal article
Fluvial-aeolian sedimentary facies, Sossusvlei, Namib Desert (2018)
Feder A, Zimmermann R, Stollhofen H, Caracciolo L, Garzanti E, Andreani L
Journal article, Online publication