Journal of Archaeological Science
Journal Abbreviation: J ARCHAEOL SCI
ISSN: 0305-4403
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (7)
A call for caution in the analysis of lipids and other small biomolecules from archaeological contexts (2021)
Whelton H, Hammann S, Cramp LJ, Dunne J, Roffet-Salque M, Evershed RP
Journal article, Original article
Geochronology of a long Pleistocene sequence at Kilombe volcano, Kenya: from the Oldowan to Middle Stone Age (2021)
Hoare S, Brink JS, Herries AI, Mark DF, Morgan LE, Onjala I, Rucina SM, et al.
Journal article
Towards the detection of dietary cereal processing through absorbed lipid biomarkers in archaeological pottery (2018)
Hammann S, Cramp L
Journal article, Original article
Environmental change in the vicinity of the Neolithic wetland settlement Pestenacker (S-Germany) during the last 6600 years (2015)
Mayr C, Matzke-Karasz R, Manthe P, Arnold J, Hänfling C, Hilber J, Spitzenberger D, et al.
Journal article, Original article
The Western Altmark versus Flintbek. Palaeoecological research on two megalithic regions. (2014)
Diers S, Jansen D, Alsleben A, Dörfler W, Müller J, Mischka D
Journal article, Original article
First chronometric dates (TL and OSL) for the Aurignacian open-air site of Românesti-Dumbravita I, Romania (2013)
Schmidt C, Sitlivy V, Anghelinu M, Chabai V, Kels H, Uthmeier T, Hauck T, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Bois Laiterie revisited: functional, morphological and technological analysis of a Late Glacial hunting camp in north-western Europe (2011)
Heidenreich S, Maier A, Sano K
Journal article, Original article